Mighty Life List

I’m a list person.  I love them.  Any good type-A personality does.  But this isn’t your average “life list.”  I don’t approach this list like the type-A control freak that I am.  This is very simply a list of things I would love to experience.  It’s ever-changing, ever-evolving because I am ever-changing.  Sometimes, your dreams change.  This list is just about ensuring that I always remember how important it is to dream.
  1. get a kite off the ground
  2. go to Montana
  3. see a new Broadway show at the Fox
  4. sing karaoke
  5. go to a drive-in movie
  6. write a sentence in my journal every day for a least a year
  7. work for the UNHCR
  8. flirt ridiculously in public
  9. learn to drive stick
  10. have a slumber party with all my besties
  11. buy a new car
  12. wear my hair in that butterfly comb I bought ages ago
  13. cruise or drive to New England
  14. live debt-free
  15. write a line in a movie
  16. have Wikipedia entry
  17. plant bulbs in a public place
  18. wear a hat in public
  19. buy a perfect pair of boots
  20. bake a pie from scratch
  21. bake anything from scratch
  22. clean out the whole house
  23. write a letter of appreciation to my favorite teacher
  24. milk a cow or a goat
  25. drive across country
  26. win a trophy for something athletic
  27. visit the top of the Eiffel Tower
  28. donate to a college scholarship
  29. forgive him
  30. play a song on the guitar
  31. drink nothing but water for a solid month
  32. be sponsored for something
  33. refinish a piece of furniture
  34. cruise to Mexico
  35. have a photograph published
  36. raise my paddle at an art auction
  37. sit for my portrait
  38. send care packages to our soldiers
  39. concoct my own perfume
  40. get my master’s degree
  41. finish a crossword puzzle without cheating
  42. tour Amsterdam by boat
  43. host Thanksgiving
  44. give someone a haircut
  45. take a pottery class
  46. live a movie moment
  47. not kill a goldfish for at least one year
  48. complete a Miranda July project
  49. see a space shuttle launch
  50. christen a boat
  51. write a travel guide for my hometown
  52. get to know my favorite city better
    • take three tours: (1) Swan House, (2) Breman Holocaust Museum, (3) Margaret Mitchell House
    • eat at five new restaurants on this list
  53. photograph 100 faces
  54. attend the Alt Summit
  55. finish the educational children’s book I started with my sister
  56. be a featured speaker at my alma mater’s PR Day
  57. take lots of mini-road trips with girlfriends:
    • Biltmore Estate
    • Amish Village
    • Memphis, TN
    • Helen, GA
  58. make fresh lemonade
  59. hot air balloon ride
  60. watch every single movie on AFI’s 100 best films